
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Political Economy and Public Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Political Economy and Public Policy - Essay Example I will attempt in this essay to specifically explain the meaning and implications on the imminent challenges that may be experienced while trying to achieve this objective. I will include the political considerations of the devolution of power from central government to the regions and local authorities. Also, I will look at the political willingness, and what government departments do, to pay attention to a stronger patient voice in this process. I will critically analyze the functions and compositions of public forums in the UK since the onset of this idea of transition from central government. Issues of partnerships and service delivery policies will also be discussed with the intention of shedding more light on their role in ensuring that citizens in this country get better health care through a decentralized framework. I will also draw on some internal documents and discussions within the central Department of Health to represent up to date changes taking place in the move towar ds decentralization. Organizational Initiatives such as Local Area Agreements (LAA's) and Local Strategic Partnerships (LSP's) will also be discussed at length in terms of their extensive utilization as key instruments in the health and social care sector in decentralization. Local Area Agreements are public initiatives designed to specifically handle issues of coordination between the central government, partnerships and the public in general on matters of social and health care. They are usually agreements between the central government, the local government and other major partners who take part in the provision of solutions to local issues. They are structured to promote safety among the societal members in terms of strengthening communities and to implement strategies necessary to safeguard people in the society through improved health and social care programs. The objectives of Local Area Agreements are to: help in linking up public services at the local level to the central government aid decision making processes at local levels of authorities reduce bureaucracy reduce the number of funding channels that are used to convey funds to local authorities, and to Promote structural partnerships among different groups of people. (Jeffrey A. & Ashman P, 2001) Local Strategic Partnerships LSP'S are non-statutory organizations designed to enable important decisions to be made at local level so that issues that need to be addressed at the community level are dealt with efficiently (ODPM panel report, July 2004). It also brings together the public, governments, private sectors and other interested parties to the community level to discuss issues that affect the people. In the UK, Local Strategic Partnership programs were developed in 2003 by a consortium of peer reviews to promote collaboration of performance management systems in the health care sector. (Democratic Health Network, 2006) It was designed to ensure that there is widespread ownership between the partners and communities. The peer review process involved various stakeholders who helped in outlining and promoting new experiences and insights about good practices on public health. Since that time, Peer review programs have been reviewed including the Coventry proceedings in October, 2003 which allowed for the scrutiny of how partnerships behave and act

Monday, October 28, 2019

How War Is Necessary Essay Example for Free

How War Is Necessary Essay War has been with mankind for many millenniums. The reasons for wars in mankind’s history have all been various, however one big reason for war is that countries want to grow bigger, by taking over one another. Throughout history, rulers would not be satisfied with the amount of land that they had or wanted to spread their beliefs around the world. So, they did it by trying to take over others. However, some didn’t want to give up their land or change, so they fought. Fighting these wars are, however, necessary no matter what people believe. This is because fighting them and winning will stop them from controlling others. Some wars that stopped countries from controlling others are the second world war, the war in Vietnam, and the Revolutionary war. However, there are claims that the Vietnam war could’ve been avoided, but there would’ve been consequences for going to war. War is necessary because it’s a way to try to stop countries from dominating over others and controlling them. There are many ways that war has stopped countries from controlling one another. Firstly, the Vietnamese war was necessary because, the war would’ve stopped the spreading of communism to neighboring asian countries, also known as the â€Å"domino theory†. The idea of communism started with the election of Ho Chi Minh in North Vietnam. Kennedy wasn’t concerned with Vietnam until Lyndon B Johnson called Ngo Dinh Diem the â€Å"Winston Churchill of Asia† because, Diem was the only one trying to resist the communists and Johnson promised to help him. Noam Chomsky, a US philosopher, stated that if a country better its economy due to communism, neighboring countries would try to improve their economy using communism, as seen when China influenced North Vietnam. Had communism been successfully spread to South Vietnam, then Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc. Also, other countries would’ve lost faith in the US for not protecting S.Vietnam in their time of need. This shows that the US needed to fight this war to stop the communistic ideals from spreading to countries and to keep the confidence of other countries around the world, so that they could help the US when the US needs them. The second world war as necessary becau se, it showed how the world responds to a fascist ruler controlling a major country, trying to claim the world. It also showed how the US would react when attacked by another major country. Hitler want to create a â€Å"master race†, which was blonde-haired, blue-eyed people. So when he came into power, he had convinced the german people that jewish people were less than humans and should be treated as such. Thus he started taking over various countries in Europe and started killing jewish people to start his plan. While that was happening, the US was maintaining neutrality and supplying Britain, Russia, and China with weapons until the japanese attacked pearl harbor on December 1941. The US then declared war on Japan and fought in the Pacific theater until August 15th, 1945. Had the axis powers won World War II, North America and South America would be surrounded by dictators ready to destroy democracy and take over the world. Also, Hitler’s plan would’ve proba bly been completed and the world would’ve been comprised of blonde, blue-eyed people. However, the war told us that when we are concerned with individualism, we become selfish and corrupted or under the influence of corrupted selfish nations. This war was needed because, when one tries to dominate and take over another country, we become blinded and end falling. We need teamwork to stay strong in the world. Finally, the Revolutionary War was necessary because, it allowed rights normally granted by the king, to be for every single individual. It also sparked other revolutions, along with stopping Britian from controlling the colonies. When the French Indian War concluded, King George III made the Proclamation of 1763, which stated that no colonists may settle west of the Appalachian and anyone other than Indians there had to move from the area. The Boston Massacre also brought them closer to the revolution, because British soldiers killed 5 civilians for calling them names. The Stamp Act of 1765, Townshend Act of 1767, and the Tea Act of 1773, were all attempt of Britian to try and control the colonies in North America. However after the war, the Declaration of Independence was signed and Britian let the colonies rule themselves. With this newfound freedom, the colonists were allowed to trade with anyone they wanted, colonize past the Appalachian Mountains, set up a new government and th e British moved out of the colonies. Had the colonists lost the war, the US would probably still be under British rule to this day. Even with all this evidence that war is necessary, people still see war as a terrible thing. Going back to the Vietnam War, the Vietnamese War could’ve been avoided because the US could’ve stayed neutral and let the problem in Vietnam blow over, instead of sacrificing 50,000 men. The war would’ve been avoided and Vietnam would’ve became a communist country along with possibly, part of Asia. Robert McNamara, defense chief under John F Kennedy and Lyndon B Johnson, says that he doubted Vietnam would let China or Russia use them as a base, but that’s the US had feared at the time. The US had feared that China or Russia would use them as a base they could use to control more parts of Asia. The Vietnamese could’ve probably fought the war themselves and probably resisted the communistic ways of China and/or Russia. The belief about if war is needed in the world or not cuts both ways. Either that it helps bring everlasting peace in the world closer or it’s useless and all it does is kill off innocent people. War is a big thing that stops countries from trying to gain total global domination or keeping them at bay until they give up. Until that happens, there will be allies who will attack at a moments notice when a country is trying to bite off more than it can chew.There are so many more examples of how war is necessary in the world that this would be a lot longer than it is already. The concept of war may seem bad, but in the end, it’s all worth it.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Cherokee Phoenix Essay -- American History Journalism

Cherokee Phoenix In the early nineteenth century during the presidency of Andrew Jackson and the debate of the Indian Removal Bill came one of the most important accomplishments of the Cherokee Nation, their own newspaper written in their own language. This experiment in Indian journalism began on February 21, 1828 in the Cherokee capital of New Echota. The paper employed a minimum staff of three to four people throughout its duration, often dismissing and rehiring printers. However, the most noteworthy of these were the people who first employed by the paper: journeyman printer John F. Wheeler, printer Isaac Harris, and editor Elias Boudinot. These men helped to further Cherokee nationalism by using a simple syllabery script, developed by a mixed blood Cherokee named Sequayah, that allowed the Cherokee language to be written. The Phoenix was not only printed in Cherokee but also in English, for the non-Cherokee reading Indians as well as white subscribers who lived in Boston, New York, Richmond, Charleston, Nashville, Mobile, and Augusta. However, subscribers did not just receive an example of written Cherokee in this first installment, they were also provided with a list of what the Phoenix reader could expect from all the future issues. 1. The laws and public documents of the Nation. 2. Account of the manners and customs of the Cherokees, and their progress in Education, Religion and the arts of civilized life; with such notices of other Indian tribes as our limited means of information will allow. 3. The principal interesting news of the day. 4. Miscellaneous articles calculated to promote Literature, Civilization, and Religion among the Cherokees. .. ...to cede tribal territory in exchange for $5,700,00 and land in Indian Territory, and later several of that group were assassinated. In August of that same year Stand Watie of the Georgia Guard confiscated the Phoenix’s abandoned printing press, while federal troops began to forcibly evicting the Cherokees. Approximately one thousand escaped to the North Carolina mountains, purchased land and were incorporated into that state. The Phoenix became a principal voice for the nation, and met its goals by documenting their constitution, laws, and ongoing experiments in Jacksonian democracy. The paper was a religious journal that helped to convert Cherokees and inspire new religious thinking. The Cherokee Phoenix was also a proud voice for the cultural advancement and developing of the Cherokee people, sadly Phoenix was not a strong enough voice against removal. Cherokee Phoenix Essay -- American History Journalism Cherokee Phoenix In the early nineteenth century during the presidency of Andrew Jackson and the debate of the Indian Removal Bill came one of the most important accomplishments of the Cherokee Nation, their own newspaper written in their own language. This experiment in Indian journalism began on February 21, 1828 in the Cherokee capital of New Echota. The paper employed a minimum staff of three to four people throughout its duration, often dismissing and rehiring printers. However, the most noteworthy of these were the people who first employed by the paper: journeyman printer John F. Wheeler, printer Isaac Harris, and editor Elias Boudinot. These men helped to further Cherokee nationalism by using a simple syllabery script, developed by a mixed blood Cherokee named Sequayah, that allowed the Cherokee language to be written. The Phoenix was not only printed in Cherokee but also in English, for the non-Cherokee reading Indians as well as white subscribers who lived in Boston, New York, Richmond, Charleston, Nashville, Mobile, and Augusta. However, subscribers did not just receive an example of written Cherokee in this first installment, they were also provided with a list of what the Phoenix reader could expect from all the future issues. 1. The laws and public documents of the Nation. 2. Account of the manners and customs of the Cherokees, and their progress in Education, Religion and the arts of civilized life; with such notices of other Indian tribes as our limited means of information will allow. 3. The principal interesting news of the day. 4. Miscellaneous articles calculated to promote Literature, Civilization, and Religion among the Cherokees. .. ...to cede tribal territory in exchange for $5,700,00 and land in Indian Territory, and later several of that group were assassinated. In August of that same year Stand Watie of the Georgia Guard confiscated the Phoenix’s abandoned printing press, while federal troops began to forcibly evicting the Cherokees. Approximately one thousand escaped to the North Carolina mountains, purchased land and were incorporated into that state. The Phoenix became a principal voice for the nation, and met its goals by documenting their constitution, laws, and ongoing experiments in Jacksonian democracy. The paper was a religious journal that helped to convert Cherokees and inspire new religious thinking. The Cherokee Phoenix was also a proud voice for the cultural advancement and developing of the Cherokee people, sadly Phoenix was not a strong enough voice against removal.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Steppenwolf : The Disintegration of Harry Haller as it Relates to Music

Steppenwolf : The Disintegration of Harry Haller as it Relates to Music      Ã‚  Ã‚   Among the many themes present in Hermann Hesse's 1927 novel Steppenwolf, two stand out as basic threads around which the story is constructed: the isolated nature of the artist and the duality of existence (Benà ©t 471). Harry Haller, the protagonist of the novel, is portrayed as an outsider to society and to modern life; he must struggle with his own outmoded ideals and bestiality to embrace humanity and reality. His Zerrissenheit, or disintegration (literally translated, "the state of being torn apart" [Benà ©t 1142]), culminates in the Magic Theater at the finish of the novel. Here, he finds himself a changed man, with a clearer understanding of human and social relations. Harry Haller's progress to this point can be traced through his changing perception of music and the role it plays in his life: as he becomes increasingly disenchanted with his former lifestyle and actively interested in his new one, his understanding and acceptance of new and old music undergoes a significant change.    The preface to the novel establishes Harry Haller as a great lover of music. In it, Haller's landlord remarks on his habits and characteristics. One of the most striking encounters he has with Haller takes place at a symphony one night:    First some Handel was played, noble and lovely music. But the Steppenwolf sat absorbed in his own thoughts...After the Handel came a little symphony of Friedemann Bach, and I saw with surprise how after a few bars my stranger began to smile and abandon himself to the music...for about ten minutes [he was] so happily lost and rapt in pleasant dreams... ... the seriousness and spirituality of the piece.    Haller's Zerrissenheit culminates in an understanding that humor, love of life and passion with a sense of restraint are essential to spiritual health. To live comfortably and yet fully need not be an unattainable standard of life. One may be original without pretense, whole with many parts; it is certainly possible to understand the holy pain of a long, complex movement and yet still take pleasure in the fast step of a fox trot.    Works Cited   Benà ©t, William Rose. "Hermann Hesse." Benà ©t's Reader's Encyclopedia. 4th ed. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, Inc., 1996.   Benà ©t, William Rose. "Zerrissenheit." Benà ©t's Reader's Encyclopedia. 4th ed. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, Inc., 1996.   Hesse, Hermann. Steppenwolf. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1927.   

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Before I Was Born (God’s Design for Sex) by Carolyn Nystrom Essay

Carolyn Nystrom †¢ Illustrated by Sandra Speidel Before I †¦ THE GOD’S DESIGN FOR SEX SERIES Sample from Before I Was Born / ISBN 9781600060144 Copyright  © 2008 NavPress Publishing. All rights reserved. †¦ God’s Design for Sex is a series of books you can read with your children at ages three to five, five to eight, RESOURCE LIST: SEX EDUCATION – Focus on the Family: Helping †¦ GOD’S DESIGN FOR SEX BOOK 2: BEFORE I WAS BORN by Carolyn Nystrom †¦ sex, why sex should be shared only in marriage, what the Bible says about sex, and much more. GOD’S DESIGN FOR SEX BOOK 4: †¦ ) n 3 # W – Toronto Chinese Christian Parenting Association †¦ 049 Before I was Born (God’s Design for Sex Ages 5 to 8) Carolyn Nystrom 050 †¦ 088 The ABC’s of Handling Money God’s Way Howard & Bev Dayton let’s talk about it – Bible Fellowship Church Ages 5-8 God’s Design for Sex Series: Before I Was Born by Stan Jones Ages 8-11 God’s Design for Sex Series: What’s The Big Deal? Why God Cares About Sex by Stan Jones Books for Teens Every Young Man’s Battle: Strategies for Victory in the Real Bibliography of Books on Sexuality for Children and Parents conservative Christian â€Å"God’s Design for Sex† series is designed to help young adolescents to understand and deal with the changes †¦ Before I was Born. Illustrated by Sandra Speidel. Navpress, 2007. The second book in the â€Å"God’s Design for Sex† series, written Sex Education in the Christian Family The God’s Design For Sex Book Series How And When To Tell Your Kids About Sex is a handbook for parents; the four children’s books are designed †¦ Before I Was Born (Book 2 for ages 5 to 8) by Carolyn Nystrom What’s The Big Deal? Why God Cares About Sex †¦ Purity, Dating and Courtship Resource List God’s Design for Sex – resource pack Book #1: †¦ – Stan and Brenna Jones Book #2: Before I Was Born (ages 5-8) – Carolyn Nystrom Book #3: What’s the Big Deal – Why God Cares About Sex (ages 8-11) †¦ Before You Meet Prince Charming How can young people be committed to purity and to †¦ How to Talk to Your Kids About Sex Hiding God’s Word in one’s heart will enable your children to make wise decisions in †¦ Start with the God’s Design for Sex Series by Stan and Brenna †¦ How to Talk to Your Kids About Sex (ages 3-5); Before I Was Born (ages 5-8); What’s the Big Deal: Why God Cares About Sex Pastor Keith Missel * Prior Lake Campus * December 14, 2011 Thinking Right About God’s Design:God’s Design: Gender . is good. †¦ Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom—both young and old— †¦ so that we can have sex with them. †¦ Parents & Kids, Talking About Sex  © God’s Design for Sex Series – Encourages healthy communication between parents and children as it helps parents answer in age-appropriate terms the difficult or embarrassing questions about †¦ Before I Was Born (Ages 5-8) by Carolyn Nystrom, IBSN 08910-98445 What the Bible says about those of the same sex. imosexuality part of God’s original s ho design? Did God create homosexuality? †¦ homosexuality was not a part of God’s design. ae people today born homosexuals?r What about the person who asks, †¦ before, as I have also told you in time past, †¦ 1 â€Å"Sex on the brain, pumped in my veins, flowing from my Few things we need to clarify before we go any further†¦ 1. †¦ hands of a warrior are sons born in one’s youth. 5 †¦ Sex according to God’s design is only to happen between a man and a women within the confines of marriage†¦ Why Marriage is the Union of a Man and a Woman before the Australian Parliament aims to change the current definition of marriage to allow same sex †¦ in which children are to be born and raised. God’s design is that sexual union is not only an †¦ Other passages deal with sex before marriage (Deuteronomy 22:13-21), prostitution †¦ people to dwell on their relationship with God. Your role is †¦ discovering and owning the truths of God’s Word. †¦ â€Å"I was born gay.† What we allow through our complacency today, will be celebrated by our children tomorrow. †¦ indicate about God’s design for gender/sexuality, marriage and sex? 7. God’s Design—Your Choice – Global Reach 75 God’s Design—Your Choice UNIT STUDENT REPORTS AND ANSWER SHEETS STUDENT REPORT DIRECTIONS When you have completed your study of each unit, ? ll out the answer sheet for that unit. Title A Baby Costs $785 a Month, How Much is Your Allowance †¦ Before I Was Born: Designed for Parents to Read to Their Child at Ages 5 Through 8 (Gods Design for Sex) Begin With Love: †¦ (God’s Design for Sex, Book 3) What’s the Big Secret?: Talking about Sex with Girls and Boys When Teens Have Sex: Issues and Trends Kid County Special Report SEX EDUCATION RESOURCES – Focus on the Family GOD’S DESIGN FOR SEX BOOK 1: THE STORY OF ME by Stan and Brenna Jones (NavPress) †¦ GOD?S DESIGN FOR SEX BOOK 2: BEFORE I WAS BORN by Carolyn Nystrom (Navpress) †¦ BORN IN GRACE applied to all of God’s handiwork. †¦ school. As students assembled before class, boys in one line and girls in another, Larry often found himself standing between the two rows: †¦ anatomical sex are simply born that way. †¦ Same Sex Marriage: P-R-O-B-L-E-M-S and P-R-O-M-I-S-E-S for †¦ Same Sex Marriage: P-R-O-B-L-E-M-S and †¦ For us to believe that all who claim to be homosexual are simply born that way is for †¦ First Corinthians chapters 6 and 7; and Jude. When Jesus talks about God’s design for marriage in Mark chapter 10, He refers to Genesis chapter 2. Title: Baker †¦ A Baby Costs $785 a Month, How Much is Your Allowance †¦ Before I Was Born: Designed for Parents to Read to Their Child at Ages 5 Through 8 (Gods Design for Sex) Begin With Love: †¦ (God’s Design for Sex, Book 3) What’s the Big Secret?: Talking about Sex with Girls and Boys When Teens Have Sex: Issues and Trends Kid County Special Report. Have To Say About It†¦. each other and the opposite sex. I see the men keeping occupied with the †¦ (God’s) design for you. Did you know, woman, that †¦ know, not just what those before you know? It happens in yourself and that Child Safety Bibliography Before I Was Born. Navpress. †¦ Book 2 of the series â€Å"God’s Design for Sex† for ages 5-8. Training Children -http://www.focusonthefamily.com/parenting/sexuality/talking_about_sex /talking_to_your_kids_about_sexual_abuse.aspx †¦ â€Å"Ask Before You Hug: Sexual Harassment in the Church† When God’s Good Gifts are Defiled: The Sinner and The †¦ prodigal lives before our God. †¦ 34.6 percent of babies were born to unmarried women, with the avaerage age of unwed mothers increasing with each passing year †¦ God’s holy design for sexuality is being splattered like a bug on a windshield. Something . 3 Premise Christians are commanded by their God to love their †¦ discussion of same sex marriage and the Christian †¦ We are all equally guilty before God. We all are natural born sinners – born with the sin of Adam within our hearts. †¦ This is God’s design and God’s standard – one that Jesus clearly affirmed. CHRISTIAN LIVING BIBLE STUDIES – Lighted Way GOD KNEW you before you were born.LESSON STUDY Jeremiah 1:5 â€Å"Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; †¦ work of God’s design. You are God’s child. †¦ A severe form of self-rejection is wishing that you were born the opposite sex, †¦ Download Before I Was Born (God’s Design for Sex) Full version Read This First: We offer two ways that you can get this book for free, You can choose the way you like! You must provide us your shipping information after you complete the survey. All books will be shipped from Amazon US or Amazon UK depending on your region! Please share this free experience to your friends on your social network to prove that we really send free books! 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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Personal information Essays

Personal information Essays Personal information Paper Personal information Paper Give your name, address, telephone numbers and e-mail address. There is no need to give your gender, marital status or number of children, if any. No need to mention your age either, but if you are young it is a good idea to put your date of birth as there may be jobs you are not eligible for because of you age.  Work history  This is where you list all your employment, starting with you current or latest job. If you have never has a job, include any periods of work experience or voluntary work you have done. For each job give the job title, the name of the company and what it does, if it is not well known. Add a list of your responsibilities in that position, list them too. Education  List your qualifications. As with work history, start with your most recent qualification or course. Include schools from secondary onwards. Do not include GCSEs below C grade. Writer the name of the college/ school and against it the qualifications you achieved there.  Skills  List any other skills you have. Examples include languages, with an indication of your level, driving, licence, and first-aid certificate or lifeguard qualifications. Include your key skills and IT qualifications here too. For IT, and you should also talk about which software packages you can use. References  It is usual to include the name and addresses of two referees. One must be an employer or tutor. Alternatively, you can state that referees are available on request this gives you time to ask referees for permission to give their contact details.  Profile  Some people choose to start their CV with a brief personal profile. It sums up your skills and experience and gives the employer an instant idea of whether you are suitable for the post. It can easily be adapted to fit a particular post. In personal information sector I have put down my name, address, telephone numbers and e-mail address. I have not put down my gender, marital status, because there is no need for me to put it down in a CV. I also dont have to mention my age, but sometimes you are young it is a good idea to put your date of birth as there may be jobs you are not eligible for because of you age. Work history  This is where I have listed all my employment, starting with my current or latest job. This includes all the work experience I have done. For each job I have given the job title, the name of the company and what it does, if it is not well known. I also have added a list of my responsibilities in that position.  Education  I have listed all my qualifications. Starting with my most recent qualification or the course I am doing. I have also talked about my secondary school education onwards. I have not included my GCSEs below C grade. I have also put down the name of the college/ school and against it the qualifications I have achieved there. Skills  I have listed all the other skills I have other than my education. Examples include languages, with an indication of my level. I have also included my key skills and IT qualifications too. For IT, I have motioned about the software packages I can use. References It is usual to include the name and addresses of two referees. One must be an employer or tutor. In my CV have put down that the referees will be available on request this will gives me time to ask referees for permission to give their contact details.

Monday, October 21, 2019

15 Tactics To Improve Your Brands Pinterest Engagement - CoSchedule

15 Tactics To Improve Your Brands Pinterest Engagement Pinterest isnt just an awesome place to find new recipes or inspiration for a clever DIY project. Its also a great place for sharing content and marketing your brand. To connect with  your audience on Pinterest, you need to know the right tactics to drive the most engagement possible. In social media terms, engagement refers to the use of strategic, resourceful content to create meaningful interactions over time. If you search Google for  Pinterest Engagement you might find yourself looking at endless photos of engagement rings, but not here. Here you will learn  15 ways you can skyrocket your Pinterest engagement. If your brand isnt on Pinterest, it might be worth making an account. Pinterest was once known as that social media network that was all about housewives and pretty pictures, but now its comfortably taking on the big three (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) of social media. While 80% of users are female, men are starting to catch the Pinterest bug. In the past year, the number of male users has doubled, making them Pinterest’s fastest growing demographic. This means Pinterest has the ability to bring in a high engagement rate. But how? Lets get started and find out! Optimize Your Pinterest Posting Schedule For Maximum Engagement Optimize your Pinterest schedule (and all your other social media), with this free resource bundle. 1. Create Multiple Boards Related to Your Brand Creating multiple boards on Pinterest gives your brand more opportunity to catch your audience's attention. If you have one or two boards with 500+ random Pins, no one is going to take the time to look because your profile will look barren. On the other hand, if you have several well-organized boards that have distinct categories, your audience will be more likely to check them out. Social Media Examiner does a great job at keeping their boards organized by category: The names and descriptions of your Pinterest boards are important. Not only do they tell  users exactly what they can expect, they also assist users  in finding your content. Try to keep the names of your boards short and simple for easy readability. To create a Pinterest board, click the  Create Board  icon: Then decide the title of the board, add an optional description, and categorize what type of board you'd like: Click  create and wallah! Repeat these steps for each new Pinterest board you create. Create multiple boards on Pinterest for easy categorization.2. Repin Valuable Content From Other Accounts Just like with any social media platform, sharing others’  content is one of the best ways to show that you’re not all about you, and that you value a variety of perspectives beyond your own. The same goes for Pinterest. According to Social Marketing Writing, 80% of Pins on Pinterest are repins. To find content for repinning, follow these steps: 1. Use Pinterest's search bar to locate keywords relating to your brand. 2. After finding a Pin you want to repin, select Save: 3. Select which board of yours you want the repin to be placed on: See something great on #Pinterest? Repin it!3. Use Appealing Cover Photos for Pinterest Boards Just like Facebook, you can create cover photos for Pinterest. At , we have five distinct boards that have their own cover image to help our audience better find our content. Creating cover photos for your boards is an excellent way to establish branding. Including branding images  such as colors, logo, and style allows users to become more familiar with your visual message. Be sure to choose one or two short words that describes what type of content your board includes. To create a cover photo for your Pinterest boards, start by designing a graphic that fits with your company's branding  and is  217 X 147 pixels. Locate the board you want the image to be placed and click the  edit button: Under  Cover in the edit settings, click  Change. Select the graphic you just added to be your cover photo. Once you've selected the photo, click  Save Changes. Repeat these step for each of your Pinterest boards. Give your #Pinterest boards creative cover images.4. Use Long Images  To Stand Out On Boards Don't be a square, be a rectangle when it comes to Pinterest images. Pinterest is a visual playground for your audience, so it's important that your Pin stands out above the rest. Tall images are proven to be more eye-catching and easier to read than wide ones because it's much easier to scroll vertically than horizontally. Taller images- those containing more "content"- tend to get more repins than shorter images. Think infographic-style image like this Pin: Here's a few fun facts about Pinterest images from Design School: Images with multiple dominant colors have 3.25 times more repins than images with only a single dominant color. Images containing less than 30% background are repinned the most. Images with less than 10% background receive between 2-4 times more repins than images with more than 40% background. Red, orange and brown images get twice as many repins than blue images. Less than 1/5 of images on Pinterest are of faces. Similarly, a brand image is 23% more likely to be repinned if the image does not have a face in it. The next time you design an image for Pinterest, try making it the ideal size of 725 pixels wide x 1102 pixels high. Recommended Reading: How To Get More Followers On Pinterest With 21+ Tactics That Will Grow Your Following 5. Have Conversations and Say 'Thank You' Pinterest is a social media platform after all, so it's time to get social! Pinterest allows users to have conversations with each other through direct messages. To send a direct message, simply click the paper airplane icon and type in the name of the user you want to send the Pin to. To use direct messaging for Pinterest marketing, Positionly  offers the following advice: Reach out to fans who have liked a product offering them assistance in purchasing the item. Offer thanks to followers through a personalized message for re-pinning one of your pins. Send out personalized coupons or gift cards to star re-pinners and get them to transact on your site. Set up group conversations with like-minded followers. Help them connect with each other and your brand on topics of mutual interest. Another way to interact with your audience on Pinterest is by saying thank you. When someone retweets you on Twitter, you thank them for mentioning you. When someone shares your post on Facebook, you comment thanking the user for sharing. On Pinterest it is no different. If you see someone has repinned your Pin, then make the effort to go to their Board, and make a comment saying â€Å"thanks† for repinning.  This tactic is  overlooked on Pinterest, and by doing it, you could bring yourself some great engagement with other Pinners. To thank a user: Find the Pin you want to comment on. Click  comments  on the bottom left corner of the Pin. Type your 'thank you' message and click the red comment button. See someone repin your content on #Pinterest? Be sure to thank them.6. Add Group Boards  for More Exposure Creating your own Group Board gives you the upper hand in deciding many things, including who you want to add as collaborators. This also provides you with access to the group’s analytics. By creating a group board, you are allowing collaborators of your choice to add Pins and share ideas.  Your audience may already be liking, commenting and sharing your content with their followers on Pinterest, but inviting them to pin to your brand’s group board will get them more engaged and involved in your online conversation. To make your own Group Board: Click the first tab with the plus-sign symbol on it- this creates a new board. Add keywords to the group’s name for better visibility in the search results. Add a brief description about the group board and its goals. Also include the rules for users that seek membership in your group within your description. Add the usernames or email IDs of any users interested in contributing to your board. Recommended Reading: How To Increase Visibility With Social Media Optimization 7. Use Pinterest Analytics to Find What Your Audience Wants Want to know how your content is performing? Use Pinterest’s built-in analytics  to check what boards have the most impressions, clicks, and repins. In oder to build engagement with your followers, you need to have a basic understanding of what's working and what's not. This video from Pinterest will show you how to get started with Pinterest Analytics: Get the most out of your Pins by understanding analytic data. Maybe you'll find out that you're posting at the wrong times or not posting enough. Pinterest has it's own analytics system to ensure you're doing all the right things. Be sure to check out your reach in Pinterest Analytics, this metric matters most for engagement. It will be purple in color: You can locate your brand's Pinterest analytics in the top left corner of the Pinterest homepage. Recommended Reading: How To Use Social Media Analytics To Create The Best Content 8. Schedule Pins at the Best Possible Times If you want to max out your engagement scale, then you need to make sure your audience can see your content. After doing some research on the best times to post on Pinterest, these are the results: Saturdays are your best bet for reaching Pinterest users- and later at night. Saturdays at 8–11 p.m. Fridays at 3 p.m. General awesome times to Pin to  Pinterest: 8–11 p.m. with 9 p.m. peak 2–4 a.m. and 2–4 p.m. 1–3 p.m.Are you scheduling #Pinterest pins at the best times?You can use Pinterest analytics to analyze the days of the week when you typically get the best results. Recommended Reading: What 16 Studies Say About The Best Times To Post On Social Media 9. Use Rich Pins to Include More  Detailed Information First of all, what the heck is a Rich Pin? Rich Pins are Pins that include extra information right on the Pin itself. There are 6 types of Rich Pins: App Movie Recipe Article Product Place This pin from Whole Foods  (shared in another post by Social Media Examiner) is an example of a Recipe Rich Pin: And here is an example of a Movie Rich Pin: Rich Pins require more work than the other Pinterest strategies above because you’ll need to add meta tags to  your website and then apply to have Rich Pins  enabled,  but these Pins stand out and make the whole user experience better. If necessary, talk to a developer to help implement the right meta data. Use rich pins to make your #Pinterest content stand out.10. Create Pinterest Promoted Ads The quickest way to boost your Pinterest engagement rate is to create an ad. You can decide how long you want the ad to run for, how much you want to spend, and who you want to target. You are in complete control. To create a Pinterest ad: Pick a Pin. Promote your best Pins so they appear in the most relevant places. Decide who sees it. Set up targeting so the right people see your Promoted Pin. Pay for results. Choose to pay for engagement or visits to your site. Track what's working. Pinterest ads will show up with the words "Promoted Pin" in the bottom left corner. Be sure to use a stunning image to catch your reader's eye as they scroll through their Pinterest feed and keywords for maximum reach. Promote pins to reach more people and drive higher engagement.11. Include a Call-to-Action Adding a call-to-action is a quick way to get your readers to engage with your content. According to Quicksprout,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"there is an 80% increase in engagement for pins that contain a call to action.† Try adding relevant descriptions that ask for clicks, repins, or comments. Include a call-to-action either in the image or in the description. Some simple call-to-actions include: Share this post Pin it for later Click here for your free download Register today RSVP here Sign up here Don't be shy to create call-to-action images to your Pinterest profile. You can't argue with an 80% increase in engagement! Recommended Reading: How To Write A Call To Action In A Template With 6 Examples 12. Install the Pin It Button Want to drive engagement from your website or blogs to Pinterest? Then you need the Pin It button! This Pin It button is  a button that allows users to pin an image in a few clicks, making the process faster and easier.  The BEST part about the Pin It button is that once you install it, your work is done! Your website visitors and readers can Pin your content for you, and their followers will see the activity on Pinterest. 62% of brands have Pin It buttons, including us! All of our blogs include the Pinterest Pin It button: Learn how to install  your Pin It button here. Recommended Reading: The Ultimate Guide On How To Use Pinterest For Marketing 13. Write Killer Social Messages Let your readers know what you're sharing. Pin descriptions between 100 and 200 characters get repinned the most, according to Social Marketing Writing. You should write a brief social message to describe the image or the blog post the image will lead to. Pin descriptions between 100 and 200 characters get repinned the mostYour social message is a good indicator of what readers can expect when they click on your Pin. Try asking a question, sharing a quick tip, or providing a benefit. Here are some ways you can write better Pinterest descriptions: Create  a keyword-rich description. Share helpful details. Don't include hashtags. Keep it short -  only about 75-100 characters of your description will appear in grid view. Recommended Reading: This Is How To Write For Social Media To Create The Best Posts 14. Create  Tutorials and Guides to Show Your Audience How to Get Something Done Remember that part about creating long images for Pinterest? You can use this to your advantage by creating a visual step-by-step guide for your users. Tutorials and guides have 42% higher click through rates than other Pins. To create a step-by-step guide: Plan out each step. Write your image copy. Assemble images together that match your image copy. Include steps, copy, and images into one Pin. Show your users exactly how to do something on Pinterest by using images and text. You can even upload a video to Pinterest for a quick demonstration. ProBlogger  shared these tips to uploading a  video from your YouTube account: Make sure you have an active YouTube channel. Make sure your videos are branded (have a similar theme so users can easily recognize). Create a Pinterest board specifically for your YouTube channel. Grab your YouTube embedded link. Upload a new Pin. Select the appropriate board. Add a description. You can locate the embedded code by  Share  button on a YouTube video, then selecting the  Embed option. You can also Pin directly from YouTube by clicking on the Pinterest icon under the  Share option: Recommended Reading: 5 Teaching Theories That Will Improve Your Educational Content Marketing 15. Pin Often (And Pin Consistently) Want to increase your Pinterest engagement by 150%? Then you need to post Pins often, roughly 10 times a day. Decide what Pins you want scheduled and let do the work for you. We'll even use our Best Time Scheduling feature to make sure your Pins go out at the peak times. You'll never have to worry about Pins not posting or  your audience seeing 10 pins in a row with . Studies have shown that users who pin 15 to 30 times a day get the best results. These should be spread throughout the day. Schedule your Pins to go out approximately every hour. Recommended Reading: This Is The Social Media Posting Schedule That Will Boost Your Traffic By 192% What Are Some of Your Favorite Pinterest Engagement Tactics? Pinterest is a great social media platform for marketing use and a huge potential source for traffic. Take advantage of  these tactics the next time you log into Pinterest. Get ready to create some awesome Pins for your users and get that engagement rate up! P.S Have you heard!? has Pinterest integration. Save time and get organized today for FREE:  http://.com/signup

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Research Paper on Classic English Literature

Research Paper on Classic English Literature Research Paper on Classic English Literature Sample Research Paper on The Great Gatsby: Introduction The story begins with Nick Carraway getting a house in Long island in a place called West egg. He was a scholar and had been educated at the Yale University. During the First World War, Nick got a job in France and, this is when he travelled the world. Nick was not satisfied with the life that he lived. Therefore, he decided to move to the small town and start again. During a visit to her cousin Daisy, Nick learns about the name of his neighbor, well known for throwing parties all the time. The neighbor, Jay Gatsby is a rich man who lives in a big mansion. Nick learns that Jay was an old-time love of her cousin Daisy. The two met five years ago and became extremely intimate friends. When Jay proposed to Daisy, she refused to marry him because he was not rich and, he had to go and work far away for a long period (Bloom, 72). Daisy instead married a young man from a sophisticated family who had so much money. Jay was hurt by daisy because she refused to marry him because he was poor. He worked tirelessly and eventually became a rich man. He then bought a house near the marital home of Daisy in a bid to rekindle the love they once had. Nick brings the two together when he invites both of them to his house. Daisy likes the new Jay and the love they once shared comes back to life. Daisy does not feel guilty that she is has extra marital affairs. This is because she knew the extra marital affair that her husband had with the wife of a petrol station owner. Daisy and Jay spend a lot of time together and this raises the suspicion of her husband. Jay did not seem to care whether she was married. To him, Daisy as his wife and all the years that he was away, Daisy had an affair with Tom. He believes that she is his wife so much that he told her he had forgiven her for having an affair. Tom storms into a room in New York where Daisy and Jay were. In the intense argument, he exposes the illegal dealings that Jay has that made him rich. Daisy and Jay drive away from Tom and on their way to Long Island they hit the lover of Tom (Luthbury, 140). She was running away from her husband who had locked her in. The truth about Jay wo unded the relationship they had with daisy. However, he still believed that he could win her back. The husband of the mistress of Tom shot and killed Jay assuming that he was the one who killed her. During his burial ceremony, Nick is annoyed because not all the people who called themselves friends of Jay and even partied with him appeared for his burial. The play can be in three parts. The first part is when Daisy and Jay meet. The two become close and fall in love over time (Bloom, Pp. 67). When Jay asks the question that he obviously knows would be answered positively, he receives a tremendous shock. Daisy refuses to marry him because he is a poor man. Another reason that Daisy gave Jay for refusing his proposal is that he is in the military. Therefore, he would be sent very far away, and she could not see him for an awful long time. Daisy then marries a rich man who is from a sophisticated family. Even though he was not good to her and treated her badly. This showed how Daisy was very hungry for money. She was so fast to leave a man that she had come to know just because he was not rich. He could not give her all the things that money could buy. She instead threw herself to a rich man for his money. His character and personality did not matter a lot to daisy. The second part of the play is during the period which Jay and Daisy rekindle their love. Jay went to extremes to try to make Daisy happy. This is because he started illegal dealings so that he could get rich and be able to buy a house near the marital home of Daisy. He is so desperate that he calls for parties now and then to get the attention of his lost love. When they meet in the house of Nick, Daisy is impressed because of the money Jay has. She then starts an extramarital affair with Jay (Fitzgerald, 200). She consoles herself that even her husband is has a relationship with another woman. Jay even stops calling people to party at his house when he finally learns that Daisy does not enjoy parting. The love between the two ends when Tom catches them in a room and exposes the dirty dealings of Jay. There is an intense argument and many people who were their friends witness the confrontation. Daisy does not want anything to do with Jay. After all the efforts that Jay had put to ma ke her happy, she rejected him so fast. He had even endangered his life through the illegal dealings, but Daisy did not consider that. The third part of the novel is when things get from worse to worst because of the affair of Jay and Daisy. When they leave the hotel, Daisy who is driving the car of Jay accidentally hits the mistress of her husband. The husband of the mistress, Wilson, had learned of her affair with Tom and locked his wife indoors. Daisy does not stop when she hits the mistress but continues to drive. Wilson, who is the owner of a petrol station is very hurt and seeks to kill Jay. He had assumed that he was the one who killed his wife. Tom seeking revenge had confirmed that indeed Jay had killed her. He finally kills Jay when he finds him in his swimming pool. He shoots him in the head and commits suicide. The number of people at the funeral of Jay is very small. This is opposed to the number of people that came to his parties and claimed to be his good friends. His parents traveled long distances to come and bury their son. It could have been better if he had paid more attention to his family than trying to woo a lost love. Nick is the person who witnessed the unfolding of the events. He is the one who made the two meet up, and it is from there that they get back together and start an affair. Nick who is the cousin of Daisy sees this as trouble and stops being close friends with the two people. He knew that only bad things would come from having the affair. Therefore, he becomes close with Jordan Baker who knew Daisy for a very long time. When Daisy killed the wife of Wilson, her husband assumed that it was Jay. He even confirmed to Wilson that indeed Jay had killed his wife. Tom had also exposed the illegal dealings of Jay to Daisy. He ensured that he had destroyed Jay. Nick was not happy when he learned of this. He was not pleased that all this mess had happened because Jay wanted her cousin back. Nick changed completely after the funeral of Jay. He noticed that not all the friends of Jay were there (Maurer, 45). The people who attended his funeral were not many. This was different to the number of people who came to the parties that Jay had and pretended to be his friends. Nick realized that all the efforts that Jay put to impress Daisy were a waste of time. The life of Jay ended so fast because he was obsessed with his past lover. He let Daisy drag him to his death. Nick changed his character completely and even stopped being friends with Jordan. Later on, he returns back home. He is the character who brought Jay and Daisy together by inviting the two into his house. This shows that he supported the relationship between Jay and Daisy. At the same time, he is not happy with the outcome of the events and does not want to be involved in their scandals (Fitzgerald, Pp 120). In the end, he cuts off all channels with them and returns home. Infidelity is a habitual thing in the novel. This is because there is more than one spouse cheating on his or her partner in the story. Wilson was cheating on his wife. The wife of Wilson was also cheating on her husband with Tom (Bloom, Pp. 67). Daisy was cheating on her husband with Jay. The author may have used this theme to show the sexual independence that people had after the First World War. He tries to show how people used the freedom to abuse marriages. Many people in America engaged in immoral behaviors that were not acceptable before the First World War. In their quest for a new America they mistook sexual immorality for happiness and pleasure. Through the story of Daisy, he shows how some women could accept to marry any man that had a lot of money and was from a good background. The people who came to the parties that Jay also showed abuse of sexuality freedom. This is because the author says that the people who came to the party left the party with a different person fro m the one they were with when they came. However, the love that Jay tried to rekindle with Daisy cannot be viewed as abusing sexual independence. This is because Jay believed that he had just married her and that she had been waiting for him all this years. The marriage that Daisy has with Tom did not exist in the world of Jay. He believed that Daisy was cheating on him with Tom and Jay forgave her for that. The publication of the novel influenced many people because apart from talking about the romantic story of the love that Jay had for Daisy, the author has an underlying message. The author talked about the different issues that people were facing at the time. He portrays the rotten morals that people had in the early twentieth century (Bloom, 45). He portrays this by talking about greediness and the wild quest of obsessions. The author shows how people misinterpreted the American Dream by chasing worldly riches and pleasure instead of looking for the good ideals of the American dream. After the First World War, people found life to be more difficult, and everyone was fighting to become rich. The suffrage movement led to more crime and illegal businesses in the United States. The author depicts these hard times and changes in his characters. Meyer who dealt with illegal businesses symbolizes the time after the suffrage movement when illegal businesses grew (Fitzgerald, Pp 94). The struggles to fit in the new America are depicted by the stories of Jay and Nick. They had to move in to a new place and try to fit in after the war was over. The obsession of Jay to become rich shows how people after the war were trying to become economically big. The difference between the people who were rich before and those trying hard enough to get there is depicted well in the novel. This is by the West Egg that refers to the people who became rich after the war, and the East Egg are those who were rich even before the war. Many people misinterpreted the American dream. They thought that it meant that it was the quest for wealth and obsessive happiness. The author showed the Americans how wrong they had interpreted the rights made in the constitution. The constitution made at that time in the United States stated that, â€Å"everyone has a right to liberty, life and the pursuit of happiness†. Many misinterpreted the quest for happiness with the quest of wealth. The author showed that the quest for money could only bring trouble. The obstacle to the happiness of Jay and Daisy was money. It was the reason why Jay would never be with Daisy. This shows how Americans allowed themselves to be driven with greediness and illegal dealings and it led to separation between the people who were wealthy before the war and after the war. They could never see each other in the same way. In the novel, the author talks about how the American dream lost its meaning. Like in the novel, the colonizers who came to America wanted to make it a better place. The colonizers were filled with dreams to make America a pleasurable place where there was love, equity and freedom. When they got to America, their dreams changed and they were after money, and they were filled with greed. This is because they saw the rich resources in America and each one of them wanted a share. Many people enjoyed the book and learned a lot from the stories talked about in the book. This influenced some people to change their ways by acquiring new values. They understood that there is a big difference between wealth and happiness and that being rich does not guarantee a person happiness or peace. Conclusion From the novel, it is clear that the author had an inner meaning and an outer meaning in his novel. The novel has many different stories surrounding two people, Jay and Daisy. Some scenes were very good and carried important messages. They include the scenes where Jay and Daisy finally meet after five years and how they started becoming lovers after that, when Tom catches Daisy cheating on him and when Wilson shoots Jay and then takes his life too. Nick changed his life completely and even returned home after he saw what happened to his friend Jay. He now understood firsthand how bad it is to be driven with obsessions and greediness. The novel talks about the activities that took place after the First World War and how it changed the American Dream of people. From the novel, it is clear that it is better to find true happiness than to try to look for wealth, as it will just cause troubles. ______________ is a professional research paper writing service which can provide high school, college and university students with 100% original custom written essays, research papers, term papers, dissertations, courseworks, homeworks, book reviews, book reports, lab reports, projects, presentations and other assignments of top quality. More than 700 professional Ph.D. and Master’s academic writers. Feel free to purchase a research paper on Classic English Literature from our custom research paper writing service.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Tea Party Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Tea Party - Essay Example Eventually Americans imported tea from Netherland and sold it at a price even lower than the British tea. Carefully organized by patriots the â€Å"Tea Party† was a planned organization ready to lose a great amount of money if British sold tea to America at such a low rate. It is recollected that Boston was not the only region participating in the tea party. It was a game of fooling one another. While East India Company decided to unload the stock of tea refused by the Americans at prices even lower than the black market, these black marketers arranged a series of tea parties as a manipulative act.1 How did it start? The tea party started as a war between the Britain and its colonies that refused to buy tea from British East India Company because it was selling tea at a low price. The misunderstanding among the Indians was that it was being sold at a very high price. But the situation aggravated when they learnt that it was merely to adjust the increased tax levied on them by the crown. The colonizers sold tea bought from other regions at a much lower price than the East India Company. ... Unapologetic U.S. sovereignty iii. Constitutional originalism†.3 Way back in 1773 Samuel Adams urged the Governor of Massachusetts Thomas Hutchison to avoid conflict and condemn the British from loading tea in the colonies which was refused by Hutchison. Adams himself staged an anti-tea movement with 8000 men ashore. The Governor had refused to decline Britain from unloading. The final outburst was an attempt by fifty carefully chosen men who planned to attack the British ships.4 The Tea Party of the twenty-first century is not the only one associating itself with the Boston Tea Party of 1773. The more recent agitation from right-wing populist was after the release of the film â€Å"Network† in 1976 where a man shouts and calls himself as â€Å"mad as hell† urging the audience to repeat the same.5 What effect does it have on our politics? The authenticity of the Tea Party remains the point of scrutiny for most of the political figures. They have to question whethe r it is a genuine upheaval by the crown or is it a mere agenda by the right-wing media to further it for their own purposes. The Democrats have called these series of occurring movements in the American history as futile or â€Å"Astroturf† meaning a movement having no grassroots. In 2010 President Obama, a target of the Tea Party himself seeks for those in the outer circle with â€Å"legitimate concerns† while shunning the ones at the core who might be interested in demoting him by any means. Nearly 25 to 30 percent of the polls show that there is support for the Tea Parties. Party is used plural because it exists on several levels, incorporating competing factions sometimes as loose confederations. These supporters make up to tens of millions of Americans. Tea Party activists are angry with the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Modern Day Nationalism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Modern Day Nationalism - Research Paper Example Modern-day nationalism encourages regionalism and formation of regional political groups or trade unions. Furthermore, it advocates cooperation and commitment to the liberation of the poor and vulnerable in various societies across the world. Modern-day nationalism is based on the globalization and regional government concept. Most countries in different regions are changing their view of nationalism. Today, most people view and pride themselves as members of a given area or organization rather than community or tribe. According to Sutherland, through various example from across the world, it is evident different regions have plans to move away from national governance and adopt regional governance (para 2). The East Africa community that is Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania are perfect examples of countries that are planning regional governance. Similarly, sub-states such as Scotland and Catalonia also prefer regional integration and governance as opposed to individual states or communiti es. These groups desire to identify themselves with a particular region. Additionally, the formation of trade union and regional organizations such as East Africa Community (EAC) in Africa and the National American Free Trade Area (NAFTA) in the America continent shows that countries are past tribal or cultural based cooperation (Sutherland para 2). Furthermore, these organizations are formed as a way of enhancing domestic legitimacy and national prosperity among various states across the world. In addition, modern time’s nationalism greatly contributes to the global development and protection of human rights. Currently, many people feel committed to larger communities and the interest of various people across the world (Ezzat para 3). As a result, nationalism builds a sense of identity and cooperation between various people from different religions, countries or even tribes (Weeks).  

2 comprehensive papers topics are listed below Essay

2 comprehensive papers topics are listed below - Essay Example Unfortunately, there is an existing mind-set that educational research is not applicable to â€Å"real world† education, nor to teaching. However, as research is successfully applied in more and more educational settings, administrators and policy makers increase their appreciation for, and use of, research. To that end, teacher preparation programs, curriculum policies and teaching methods are now being consistently evaluated and modified through research. Although it is clear that research should and must be incorporated into teacher preparation, determining which type of research approach most appropriate and most beneficial for education is one of the major debates in the educational arena. Creswell (2002) argues that it is vital that the research methodology be chosen based upon the characteristics of the study, rather than any preconceived preferences by the researcher. Patton (1986) proposed that the purpose of the study should be the driving force in any research evaluation and therefore, be the primary factor considered by the researcher. Keeping both of these philosophies in mind, the researcher should then choose the research method based on the purpose of the study and the characteristics of the study. If this is not done, the research outcome will not yield the adequate data to support or refute what the researcher is trying to prove (Duignan, 2001). Further, the result of educational research becomes more valid and clear when the right type of research methodology is used (Creswell, 2002; Duignan, 2001; Patton, 1986) When the purpose of study has been established, the researcher must determine the appropriate research methodology for the study (Duignan, 2001). To best select the most appropriate research methodology, researchers need to understand the three widely-used methodologies: quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods. In this paper, the three research approaches will be

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Critically discuss the connections between stakeholder claims and the Essay

Critically discuss the connections between stakeholder claims and the product market - Essay Example Another group of stakeholders beyond these three categories form the secondary stakeholders which include the government, communities, etc.., The capital market stakeholders such as the investors, debt suppliers and banks would want to have a right to decide what the organization has to do in order to maximise the shareholder wealth. However, the organizational stakeholders such as the employees and the unions have a claim on how the company operates to achieve the objectives. On the contrary, the product market stakeholders are concerned with the way they will be affected by the firm (Haslam, Neale and Johal, 2000). The product market stakeholders include the suppliers and the customers. These stakeholders have an important role to play in the organization and its value, and in turn, have a major effect on the other stakeholders of the firm. The customers of a firm expect high value from the firm in all their encounters. However, they will also have a lot of choices in the market for the product or service, and hence the prices have to be attractive to them. The customers choose a product or service, not only based on the quality but also on the costs involved. Hence their primary expectation or demand from the firm is a reliable and high quality product at the lowest cost (Sloman, Sutcliffe, 2004). The suppliers on the other hand have a considerable power over the firm, as they control the basic products or services required by the firm in its value chain. The power of the suppliers and their claims in the firm differ based on the availability and the level of competition in their products and services. In case of a supplier having a monopoly in the market, the supplier will have a high level of claims in the firm’s activities and will not be affected profoundly due to other stakeholders (Sloman and Sutcliffe, 2004). However, in an open market with a number of suppliers, the firm and its

Heroin addiction Vs cancer support groups Term Paper

Heroin addiction Vs cancer support groups - Term Paper Example Their curiosity has given rise to a culture where people strive to help one another in any way they can. Social dealing and networking is one of the most fundamental ways in which people gain knowledge and awareness about common issues and learn how to deal with them. One such form of social networking is a support group. Support groups are such organizations or agencies that help people suffering from a common condition (usually disease) deal with their condition (Hunter, 2011). Support groups offer help to the needy both personally through appointments, and generally on-line. Preference of forum: There is considerable difference between the preference of forum for the support group between the Cancer patients and the Heroin addicts. Cancer is a disease that may be acquired because of any reason without the personal involvement or fault of the patient in his/her condition. There is generally, a lot of respect for Cancer patients in the society and they are looked at with sympathy an d affection. The case is not alike for Heroin addicts. Heroin addicts are visualized as useless members of society and are looked at with hatred. They are known as the cause of frustration and various social upsets in the society. People tend to keep their children away from the company of Heroine addicts. Many Heroin addicts are socially excluded. The society does not accept them.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Critically discuss the connections between stakeholder claims and the Essay

Critically discuss the connections between stakeholder claims and the product market - Essay Example Another group of stakeholders beyond these three categories form the secondary stakeholders which include the government, communities, etc.., The capital market stakeholders such as the investors, debt suppliers and banks would want to have a right to decide what the organization has to do in order to maximise the shareholder wealth. However, the organizational stakeholders such as the employees and the unions have a claim on how the company operates to achieve the objectives. On the contrary, the product market stakeholders are concerned with the way they will be affected by the firm (Haslam, Neale and Johal, 2000). The product market stakeholders include the suppliers and the customers. These stakeholders have an important role to play in the organization and its value, and in turn, have a major effect on the other stakeholders of the firm. The customers of a firm expect high value from the firm in all their encounters. However, they will also have a lot of choices in the market for the product or service, and hence the prices have to be attractive to them. The customers choose a product or service, not only based on the quality but also on the costs involved. Hence their primary expectation or demand from the firm is a reliable and high quality product at the lowest cost (Sloman, Sutcliffe, 2004). The suppliers on the other hand have a considerable power over the firm, as they control the basic products or services required by the firm in its value chain. The power of the suppliers and their claims in the firm differ based on the availability and the level of competition in their products and services. In case of a supplier having a monopoly in the market, the supplier will have a high level of claims in the firm’s activities and will not be affected profoundly due to other stakeholders (Sloman and Sutcliffe, 2004). However, in an open market with a number of suppliers, the firm and its

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

A company profile Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

A company profile - Essay Example In addition, it entirely owns a functioning power corporation in Singapore. The company majorly takes part in the development, manufacture and operation of big power plants. It uses modern equipment and technology (Meyer and Lu 2005, 63). Also, it makes use of domestic and international capital. The power plants for this company are advanced in terms of technology rendering them efficient and stable (Dietz Orr and Xing 2008, 22). Founded on power industry, this corporation puts emphasis on breakthroughs in management, technology and in organizational systems (YU and YU 2010, 10). These exceptional features have enabled it to break numerous records and create various milestones among its competitors and peers as far as power technology and construction and management of power plant is concerned (Dietz Orr and Xing 2008, 22). The whole labor productivity of this corporation is ranked amongst the top in local power industry. Examining Hainan Nuclear Power Company limited as well as Huaneng Shidaowan Nuclear Power Company, Huaneng power international company ha s gotten into the sector of nuclear power (YU and YU 2010, 10). In the meantime, it actively incorporates different industries, though strongly investing more on the coal, shipping and harbor industries. This has strengthened the company’s aptitude to personally supply coal. The Company considers power industry as its center business (Meyer and Lu 2005, 63). It holds on to the Green Development viewpoint and carries on to pace up structural amendments (YU and YU 2010, 10). The Company struggle to optimize the growth of coal-fired power, robustly develop hydropower, and dynamically build up wind power, solar power alongside other types of modern energy (Dietz Orr and Xing 2008, 22). It strives to build up nuclear power, and goes on with developing natural gas-fired power, to be able to boost the quantity of low-carbon

The Holocaus Essay Example for Free

The Holocaus Essay The Holocaust also known as Shoah, was the mass murder or genocide of approximately six million Jews during World War II, a programme of systematic state-sponsored murder by Nazi Germany, led by Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party, throughout the German Reich and German-occupied territories. Of the nine million Jews who had resided in Europe before the Holocaust, approximately two-thirds were killed. Over one million Jewish children were killed in the Holocaust, as were approximately two million Jewish women and three million Jewish men. A network of about 42,500 facilities in Germany and German-occupied territory were used to concentrate, hold, and kill Jews and other victims. Some scholars argue that the mass murder of the Romani and people with disabilities should be included in the definition, and some use the common noun holocaust to describe other Nazi mass murders, including those of Soviet prisoners of war, Polish and Soviet civilians, and homosexuals. Recent estimates, based on figures obtained since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, indicate some ten to eleven million civilians and prisoners of war were intentionally murdered by the Nazi regime. Historian Rudolph Rummel estimates the number of civilians and jews murdered by the Nazis at 20,946,000. The occupiers required Jews and Romani to be confined in overcrowded ghettos before being transported by freight train to extermination camps where, if they survived the journey, most were systematically killed in gas chambers. Every arm of Germanys bureaucracy was involved in the logistics that led to the genocides, turning the Third Reich into what one Holocaust scholar has called a genocidal state. Extermination camps The use of camps equipped with gas chambers for the purpose of systematic mass extermination of peoples was a unique feature of the Holocaust and unprecedented in history. Never before had there existed places with the express purpose of killing people en masse. These were established at Auschwitz, Belzec, CheÅ‚mno, Jasenovac, Majdanek, Maly Trostenets, Sobibà ³r, and Treblinka. Medical experiments A distinctive feature of Nazi genocide was the extensive use of human subjects in medical experiments. According to Raul Hilberg, German physicians were highly Nazified, compared to other professionals, in terms  of party membership. Some carried out experiments at Auschwitz, Dachau, Buchenwald, Ravensbrà ¼ck, Sachsenhausen, and Natzweiler concentration camps. The most notorious of these physicians was Dr. Josef Mengele, who worked in Auschwitz. His experiments included placing subjects in pressure chambers, testing drugs on them, freezing them, attempting to change eye color by injecting chemicals into childrens eyes, and various amputations and other surgeries. Subjects who survived Mengeles experiments were almost always killed and dissected shortly afterwards. He worked extensively with Romani children. He would bring them sweets and toys, and personally take them to the gas chamber. They would call him Onkel Mengele. Vera Alexander was a Jewish inmate at Auschwitz who looked after 50 sets of Romani twins: Legal repression and emigration Nazi policies about repression divided people into three types of enemies, the racial enemies such as the Jews and the Gypsies who were viewed as enemies because of their blood; political opponents such as Marxists, liberals, Christians and the reactionaries who were viewed as wayward National Comrades; and moral opponents such as homosexuals, the work-shy and habitual criminals, also seen as wayward National Comrades. The last two groups were to be sent to concentration camps for re-education, with the aim of eventual absorption into the Volksgemeinschaft, though some of the moral opponents were to be sterilized, as they were regarded as genetically inferior. Peukert quotes policy documents on the Treatment of Community Aliens from 1944, which showed the full intentions of Nazi social policy: persons who show themselves unable to comply by their own efforts with the minimum requirements of the national community were to be placed under police supervision, and if this did not reform them, they were to be taken to a concentration camp. One of the first, camps was Dachau,which opened on 9 March 1933. Initially the camp contained primarily communists and Social Democrats. Other early prisons—for example, in basements and storehouses run by the Sturmabteilung and less commonly by the Schutzstaffel —were consolidated by mid-1934 into purpose-built camps outside the cities, run exclusively by the SS. The initial purpose of the camps was to serve as a deterrent by terrorizing those Germans who did not conform to the Volksgemeinschaft. Those sent to the camps included the  educable, whose wills could be broken into becoming National Comrades, and the biologically depraved, who were to be sterilized, were to be held permanently, and over time were increasingly subject to extermination through labor, i.e., being worked to death. On 1 April 1933, there occurred a boycott of Jewish businesses, which was the first national antisemitic campaign, initially planned for a week, but called off after one day owing to lack of popular support. In 1933, a series of laws were passed which contained Aryan paragraphs to exclude Jews from key areas: the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service, the first antisemitic law passed in the Third Reich; the Physicians Law; and the Farm Law, forbidding Jews from owning farms or taking part in agriculture. In 1935, Hitler introduced the Nuremberg Laws, which: prohibited Aryans from having sexual relations or marriages with Jews, although this was later extended to include Gypsies, Negroes or their bastard offspring, stripped German Jews of their citizenship and deprived them of all civil rights. At the same time the Nazis used propaganda to promulgate the concept of Rassenschande to justify the need for a restrictive law. Hitler described the Blood Law in particular the attempt at a legal regulation of a problem, which in the event of further failure would then have through law to be transferred to the final solution of the National Socialist Party. Hitler said that if the Jewish problem cannot be solved by these laws, it must then be handed over by law to the National-Socialist Party for a final solution. The final solution, became the standard Nazi euphemism for the extermination of the Jews. Early measures In German-occupied Poland Germanys invasion of Poland in September 1939 increased the urgency of the Jewish Question. Poland, was home to approximately three million Jews, in centuries-old communities, two-thirds of whom fell under Nazi control with Polands capitulation. Reinhard Heydrich, Reichsprotektor of Bohemia and Moravia, recommended concentrating all the Polish Jews in ghettos in major cities, where they would be put to work for the German war industry. The ghettos would be in cities located on railway junctions in order to furnish, in Heydrichs words, a better possibility of control and later deportation. During his interrogation in 1961, Adolf Eichmann recalled that  this later deportation actually meant physical extermination. In September, Himmler appointed Heydrich head of the Reich Main Security Office . This organization was made up of seven departments, including the Security Police, and the Gestapo. They were to oversee the work of the SS in occupied Poland, and carry out the policy towards the Jews described in Heydrichs report. The first organized murders of Jews by German forces occurred during Operation Tannenberg and through Selbstschutz units. The Jews were later herded into ghettos, mostly in the General Government area of central Poland, where they were put to work under the Reich Labor Office headed by Fritz Sauckel. Here many thousands died from maltreatment, disease, starvation, and exhaustion, but there was still no program of systematic killing. There is little doubt, however, that the Nazis saw forced labor as a form of extermination.Although it was clear by late 1941 that the SS hierarchy was determined to embark on a policy of killing all the Jews under German control, there was still opposition to this policy within the Nazi regime, although the motive was economic, not humanitarian. Hermann Gà ¶ring, who had overall control of the German war industry, and the German armys Economics Department, argued that the enormous Jewish labor force assembled in the General Government area, was an asset too valuable to waste, particularly with Germany failing to secure rapid victory of the Soviet Union. Ghettos After the invasion of Poland, the Nazis established ghettos in the incorporated territories and General Government in which Jews were confined. These were initially seen as temporary, until the Jews were deported out of Europe; as it turned out, such deportation never took place, with the ghettos inhabitants instead being sent to extermination camps. The Germans ordered that each ghetto be run by a Judenrat consisting of Jewish community leaders, with the first order for the establishment of such councils contained in a letter dated 29 September 1939 from Heydrich to the heads of the Einsatzgruppen. The ghettos were formed and closed off from the outside world at different times and for different reasons. The councils were responsible for the day-to-day running of the ghetto, including the distribution of food, water, heat, medicine, and shelter. The Germans also mandated them to undertake confiscations, organize forced labor, and,  finally, facilitate deportations to extermination camps. The councils basic strategy was one of trying to minimise losses, largely by cooperating with Nazi authorities, accepting the increasingly terrible treatment, bribery, and petitioning for better conditions and clemency. Overall, to try and mitigate still worse cruelty and death, the councils offered words, money, labor, and finally lives. The ultimate test of each Judenrat was the demand to compile lists of names of deportees to be murdered. Though the predominant pattern was compliance with even this final task, some council leaders insisted that not a single individual should be handed over who had not committed a capital crime. Leaders such as Joseph Parnas in Lviv, who refused to compile a list, were shot. On 14 October 1942, the entire council of Byaroza committed suicide rather than cooperate with the deportations. Adam Czerniakà ³w in Warsaw killed himself on 23 July 1942 when he could take no more as the final liquidation of the ghetto got under way. Others, like Chaim Rumkowski, who became the dedicated autocrat of Ã… Ãƒ ³dÃ… º, argued that their responsibility was to save the Jews who could be saved, and that therefore others had to be sacrificed. The importance of the councils in facilitating the persecution and murder of ghetto inhabitants was not lost on the Germans: one official was emphatic that the authority of the Jewish council be upheld and strengthened under all circumstances, another that Jews who disobey instructions of the Jewish council are to be treated as saboteurs. When such cooperation crumbled, as happened in the Warsaw ghetto after the Jewish Combat Organisation displaced the councils authority, the Germans lost control. The Warsaw Ghetto was the largest, with 380,000 people; the Ã… Ãƒ ³dÃ… º Ghetto was second, holding 160,000. They were, in effect, immensely crowded prisons, described by Michael Berenbaum as instruments of slow, passive murder. Though the Warsaw Ghetto contained 30% of the population of the Polish capital, it occupied only 2.4% of the citys area, averaging 9.2 people per room. Between 1940 and 1942, starvation and disease, especially typhoid, killed hundreds of thousands. Over 43,000 residents of the Warsaw ghetto died there in 1941, Pogroms A number of deadly pogroms by local populations occurred during the Second World War, some with Nazi encouragement, and some spontaneously. This included the IaÅŸi pogrom in Romania on 30 June 1941, in which as many as 14,000 Jews were killed by Romanian residents and police, and the Jedwabne pogrom of July 1941, in which 300 Jews were locked in a barn set on fire by the local Poles in the presence of Nazi Ordnungspolizei, which was preceded by the execution of 40 Jewish men at the same location by the Germans. – Such were the final finding of the official investigation conducted in 2000–2003 by the Institute of National Remembrance, confirmed by the number of victims in the two graves examined by the archeological and anthropological team participating in the exhumation. Earlier higher estimates based on hearsay were disproved. Death squads The German invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941 opened a new phase. The Holocaust intensified after the Nazis occupied Lithuania, where close to 80% of the countrys 220,000 Jews were exterminated before the end of the year. The Soviet territories occupied by early 1942, including all of Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, and Moldova and most Russian territory west of the line Leningrad-Moscow-Rostov, contained about three million Jews at the start of the war. Hundreds of thousands had fled Poland in 1939. Members of the local populations in certain occupied Soviet territories participated actively in the killings of Jews and others. Ultimately it was the Germans who organized and channelled these local participants in the Holocaust. Hillgruber maintained that the slaughter of about 2.2 million defenseless men, women and children for the reasons of racist ideology cannot possibly be justified for any reason, and that those German generals who claimed that the Einsatzgruppen were a necessary anti-partisan response were lying. Army co-operation with the SS in anti-partisan and anti-Jewish operations was close and intensive. In mid-1941, the SS Cavalry Brigade commanded by Hermann Fegelein, during the course of anti-partisan operations in the Pripyat Marshes, killed 699 Red Army soldiers, 1,100 partisans and 14,178 Jews. The large-scale killings of Jews in the occupied Soviet territories was assigned to SS formations called Einsatzgruppen, under the overall command of Heydrich. These had been used to a limited extent in Poland in 1939, but were organized in the Soviet territories on a much larger scale. Einsatzgruppe A was assigned to the Baltic area, Einsatzgruppe B to Belarus, Einsatzgruppe C to north and central Ukraine, and Einsatzgruppe D to Moldova, south Ukraine, Crimea, and, during 1942, the  north Caucasus. According to Otto Ohlendorf at his trial, the Einsatzgruppen had the mission to protect the rear of the troops by killing the Jews, Gypsies, Communist functionaries, active Communists, and all persons who would endanger the security. In practice, their victims were nearly all defenseless Jewish civilians . By December 1941, the four Einsatzgruppen listed above had killed, respectively, 125,000, 45,000, 75,000, and 55,000 people—a total of 300,000 people—mainly by shooting or with hand grenades at mass killing sites outside the major towns. The most notorious massacre of Jews in the Soviet Union was at a ravine called Babi Yar outside Kiev, where 33,771 Jews were killed in a single operation on 29–30 September 1941. The decision to kill all the Jews in Kiev was made by the military governor, the Police Commander for Army Group South, and the Einsatzgruppe C Commander Otto Rasch. A mixture of SS, SD and Security Police, assisted by Ukrainian police, carried out the killings. Although they did not participate in the killings, men of the 6th Army played a key role in rounding up the Jews of Kiev and transporting them to be shot at Babi Yar. New methods of mass murder Starting in December 1939, the Nazis introduced new methods of mass murder by using gas. First, experimental gas vans equipped with gas cylinders and a sealed trunk compartment, were used to kill mental care clients of sanatoria in Pomerania, East Prussia, and occupied Poland, as part of an operation termed Action T4. A need for new mass murder techniques was also expressed by Hans Frank, governor of the General Government, who noted that this many people could not be simply shot. We shall have to take steps, however, designed in some way to eliminate them. It was this problem which led the SS to experiment with large-scale killings using poison gas. Christian Wirth seems to have been the inventor of the gas chamber. Wannsee Conference and the Final Solution The Wannsee Conference was convened by Reinhard Heydrich on 20 January 1942 in the Berlin suburb of Wannsee and brought together some 15 Nazi leaders which included a number of state secretaries, senior officials, party leaders, SS officers and other leaders of government departments who were responsible for policies which were linked to Jewish issues. The initial  purpose of the meeting was to discuss plans for a comprehensive solution to the Jewish question in Europe. Heydrich intended to outline the mass murders in the various occupied territories . . . as part of a solution to the European Jewish question ordered by Hitler . . . to ensure that they, and especially the ministerial bureaucracy, would share both knowledge and responsibility for this policy A copy of the minutes which were drawn up by Eichmann has survived, but on Heydrichs instructions, they were written up in euphemistic language. Thus the exact words used at the meeting are not known. However, Heydrich addressed the meeting indicating the policy of emigration was superseded by a policy of evacuating Jews to the east. This was seen to be only a temporary solution leading up to a final solution which would involve some 11 million Jews living not only in territories controlled then by the Germans, but to major countries in the rest of the world including the UK, and the US. There was little doubt what the solution was: Heydrich also made it clear what was understood by the phrase Final Solution: the Jews were to be annihilated by a combination of forced labour and mass murder. The officials were told there were 2.3 million Jews in the General Government, 850,000 in Hungary, 1.1 million in the other occupied countries, and up to five million in the USSR, although two million of these were in areas still under Soviet control – a total of about 6.5 million. These would all be transported by train to extermination camps in Poland, where almost all of them would be gassed at once. In some camps, such as Auschwitz, those fit for work would be kept alive for a while, but eventually all would be killed.

Monday, October 14, 2019

GPS Locator Application Development

GPS Locator Application Development It is an application can locate the person by using GPS take from Google map a map to locate people, and there a option for the user when download the app for WIFI and locking the phone for example a parent they download this app in his phone and in child phone, the parent they watch his son in map and they can turn off   WIFI or lock the phone in child phone, you have to deal with Google development to get API key to allow you to use Google map, also there is some permissions the internet and network . Glympse is a fast, free, and simple way to share your location in real time with the people you trust. Send a Glympse to your friends to let them know youre on your way. Request a Glympse of your friend who is always running late. Create a group for your family reunion. Set a duration, pick a destination, choose the recipients and hit send! Glympse will take care of the rest. Use Glympse to:   Ã‚   coordinate a social night out with friends let your spouse know your ETA when youll be home from work let your family know you are safe while running or cycling find friends at a concert festival provide a courtesy notice with ETA to a client when stuck in traffic share a charity run route with followers on Facebook or Twitter direct emergency personnel to you quickly Find my friend Find My Friends helps you to locate your friends and the site determines the exact location on the application and navigational map. Its the perfect way to keep track of friends, whether youre shopping in a mall, and visit the museum, and camping in the great outdoors or on their way to meet the best ever for the party this year! For families, it provides peace of mind. Theres no need to constantly text message children or other relatives to find out where they are, and if it is safe. Find My Friends allows for everyone to stay in touch without having to send or reply to an endless stream of Where are you? Texts. Find My Friends uses the Global Positioning System (GPS) technology for state-of-the-art to provide the most accurate, up-to-date sites in real time. I did not wonder where your friends, if they had lost, stuck in traffic, or just late. With the search for my friends, and it will not take long to figure out where your friends are in fact helping them to get where theyre supp osed to be. Its an easy to use for a specific friend and people finder app Android Device Manager Android Device Manager is functionality thats built into every Google Android device and can be turned on by simply flipping a setting. You can learn more on how to do that by clicking here. Once enabled, you can use Android Device Manager on your Android device or computer to quickly find your device. From there, you can go get it back, wipe the device, sound an alarm so you can find it, and even reset your lock screen PIN. Its an essential tool thats built right into Android and you should definitely take advantage of it. Requirement (Basic). The purpose of this app is to locate someone and find it by using Google mapping and turn on the GPS and run the app you will see a point in the map the point means the person who gives you the possibility to see where his place: Father : is the manager and he has a possibility to see the map and where the another person location, Add child in database the name and location number. Child : is a person download the program and the program will hide in the background, he cant see the map because is disable for the child. Design Father Childid Ngps Egps Timer First of all you have to download the application in your phone and in the person who want to locate his place, to locate a person you have first internet to make it available to another   person, second make the GPS on to make the location available for another person My application is an application in android, it is for locating a person for example father and child the father want to see his child location.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

My Philosophy about Child Development Essay -- Education Children Deve

My Philosophy about Child Development Works Cited Missing A child's development affects how they learn. All children don't fit the norms of development but not all children should be looked down on because of this. The development of the body and mind leads to the development of skills a child learns in life. Teachers need to help the child expand their skills and the knowledge to do the skills well. "Virtually everything a young child does is affected if physical development is delayed" (Charlesworth, 2000). Adults and teachers need to do everything possible to keep physical development from being delayed. Adults can provide children with opportunities to help them in development. By the age of three a child's brain is three quarters of its adult size. From infancy to the age of two development is very rapid (Santrock, 1996). For this reason it is essential for the child to be able to explore their world around them. By exploring children will increase their knowledge and understanding of the world. A child must have physical development before motor development can occur (Charlesworth, 2000). According to Piaget infants acquire knowledge from their environment. Through sight, smell, hearing, and touch this is accomplished. Adults are responsible for seeing that the children have a chance to explore to acquire the knowledge. A child must be physically able to do the work that is required to keep up with the other students. Many chil...