
Thursday, July 25, 2019

If you want high performance, recruitment and selection is the most Essay - 1

If you want high performance, recruitment and selection is the most important function in HRM. Get that right and everything else falls into place''. Discuss - Essay Example It is essential that the process of recruitment should be planned, organized, and performed in a way that will lead to success. In the process of recruiting employees, there is an element of prediction, which is not a favorable aspect for recruitment. Effective policies for recruitment are helpful in making the decisions in a more organized manner to achieve the degree of uncertainty. The implementation of the effective process for recruitment cannot be ignored; it requires the proper devotion of time and interest of the managers towards this responsibility for the well-being of the organization. Recruitment provides the opportunity to present a favorable conditions or a platform for an organization to grow and prosper by recruiting the right persons (Price, 2007). The main objective of recruitment and selection is to find the best and effective recruitment sources which will help in hiring the best individuals from the market. Moreover, the other important objective is to retain these employees in the organization. The success lies within the selection of the right candidate and providing them the right environment and right benefits. The organization needs to follow and implement the correct recruitment procedure: The first and most important function of recruitment is to identify the need of an individual to be hired, i.e. designing a job description. Specifying the areas where an employee will be required in the organization. It is important to consider the term and conditions and policies along with the core values of the organization (Jackson, Schuler, & Werner, 2009). It is the most creative part of the job. Searching for employees internally is not a big goal to achieve or may not give an interest of gaining an opportunity. Major factor is to create attraction for the outside employees to join the organization. This involves some foreign bodies to act in for recruitment and take

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